Best ways to avoid getting an infestation
Just like how the easiest way to get a job is to already be employed, it is easiest to deal with bed bugs before you have an infestation. Being vigilant in keeping this from happening to you is one of the most important steps in pest control. Here are some of the best ways to make sure that you do not get an infestation. If you have an infestation, call Arizona Heat Pest immediately.
Bed bugs have become a fact of life in the 21st century, and not one that’s likely to go away any time soon. If you travel at all or visit any facilities like hospitals, libraries, movie theaters, etc., there’s a possibility you could bring home some of these unwelcome visitors. To minimize your chances of an infestation, follow the tips below:12
Always inspect hotel rooms for signs of an infestation (look for bed bugs in mattress seams and check for any rust-colored spots on bedding) | Check your sleeping area thoroughly, including under the mattress, bed frame, and headboard as well as in nearby furniture | Keep your luggage on luggage racks, not on the bed or on the floor and away from electrical outlet panels, art frames, and other bed-bug hiding spots |
When you return home, examine your luggage and clothing carefully, and store it away from your sleeping area | Place all of your previously packed clothing directly into the dryer for at least 15 minutes on the highest setting | Keep clutter in your home to a minimum (which will give bed bugs fewer places to hide) |
Wash and dry bed linens on the hottest temperature setting allowed | Inspect any used furniture carefully before bringing it into your home | Inspect your home for signs of bed bugs regularly, after you’ve travelled, had houseguests, or even when a service technician has been in your home |
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