Worst Cities for Bed Bugs
Bed bugs have been reappearing across the nation in epidemic numbers. There are certain places however that bed bugs are being found in much larger numbers. There is a key factor that these cities have in common. They are some of the largest cities in the country. This allows for the proliferation of these critters as innocent masses of people transmit infestations from one host to another. Check out this year’s list of the top 15 cities where bed bugs live.
United States pest control service Terminix ranked the top cities with the worst bed bug infestations. The report found Dayton, Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo and Cincinnati within the top 15 ranking.
The Terminix report covered company calls from Jan. 1 to Dec. 17, 2015. The report also found bed bug infestations have surged since the 1990s which could be linked to higher numbers of international travels and untreated cases of infestations.
“Most of the cities in our top 15 are big tourist and business destinations, making travelers even more at risk for encounters with bed bugs – whether it’s on the plane, at their hotel, in a movie theater or riding in a taxi,” said Terminix’s technical services manager Paul Curtis.
Top 15 Bed Bugs Cities In The U.S. With Past Rankings
1. Detroit, Michgan (4)
2. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1)
3. Cleveland-Akron, Ohio (15)
4. Los Angeles, California (14)
5. Dayton, Ohio (-)
6. Chicago, Illinois (5)
7. Columbus, Ohio (8)
8. Cincinnati, Ohio (2)
9. Dallas-Forth Worth, Texas (7)
10. San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, California (-)
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